Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hope the Not Disappointing

"If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are the ones to be pitied more than all men" - 1 Corinthians 15:19. The Apostle Paul in his letter to the church at Corinth provide specific explanation of something very important that is awakening. There are three important topics of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians in chapter 15, which is about the resurrection of Christ, the resurrection and the resurrection of the body. The Apostle Paul wanted to clarify that there is hope beyond death. Many people think that death is the end of everything. No more hope beyond death. And the Christians in Corinth affected by such a paradigm. Paul insists that hope to Christ not only in life on this earth alone. However, hope in Christ through the world of the dead though. Therefore, Paul is saying that if we only looked forward to Christ merely living in this world, then it makes us people most unfortunate fate. Paul invites us to view the future with great hope. And hope to Christ is a definite expectation. Hope that can not be limited by this world even by death though. Our hope in Christ must transcend territorial boundaries. Paul wanted to show us that our hope in Christ is a hope that does not disappoint. Why? Since Christ is the firstborn of our resurrection. And we who believe in Him will live or rise even though we're dead. This has been our hope. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, ensuring our hope that we too will rise up and come together with Christ in the kingdom of heaven.