Monday, July 16, 2012

Hope in Loneliness

"... I will never leave you and I will never forsake you" - Hebrews 13:5.
Have you ever felt as if I'm standing alone? You feel isolated, even if you are surrounded by many people? There is a void in your heart, as if there is something missing?
The good news is that feeling of loneliness is not inevitable, and it's not the end of everything. God can help you through your loneliness feelings. We do not need to be controlled by our feelings, but by God's word is reliable.
Jesus knew loneliness you feel. He often felt left alone when he lived on earth. He would miss the human touch when no one is thinking of his needs. Even his family was sometimes considered him strange. And when he needed his friends around him, even to his followers-12 most setiapun not always accompany him.
Moses must have felt very lonely, when living in the wilderness for forty years, with only accompanied by his sheep. But God uses those times it's lonely to talk to him from a burning bush. Forty years to prepare Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery.
We can thank God because He knows and understands our needs and He cares. Really helped, knowing that He, the Almighty knows and cares about any weaknesses and our need to feel close to someone who understands us. One of us a priceless privilege is knowing that God is near, even when we do not feel His presence.
His eyes are always drawn to us, to protect and care for us. Everything that happens to us, there's meaning. Let us not be dominated by concerns about our feelings of loneliness. Jack Hayford says, "There are people who feel that the 'fly alone' that can bring in abundance rather than loneliness."But how we can, the handle of our lives, we all need other people. That's why God has set the solitude of his preformance spiritual family to help us to grow together and to rebuild. Growth and our healing depends on it." 
However, we are never really alone, though no one sahabatpun near us. We know that God's word is true, and we need to feel the truth, that God is always gracious and merciful, and His peace beyond our understanding. This has been our hope. Feeling lonely in the middle that hit our lives, hope to God to give strength and comfort to our souls.
God says to us, when He said to David concerning himself: "For He protects me in his cabin, at the time of danger; He hid me in hiding in his tent, He drew me to the rock" - Psalm 27 : 5. The statement gives a certain hope for each of us. Promises of protection and care of God is what gives us the ability to keep hope alive in our lives. God of our hope and He never let us down is hopeless to him.   

Friday, July 13, 2012

Hope for Your Heart

We would be very easy to lose hope when we are too much attention to the news in newspapers and on television. On the other hand, we can easily lose hope when we live and hang out with people who are experiencing distress in their hearts. More than that, we can also lose hope when we are experiencing difficult circumstances in life. In such circumstances, we should focus only to God, who gives us a certain hope. Because without hope in God, we can not possibly survive.
Dr. Charles Stanley says, "Feelings of hopelessness is one of the worst feelings we can experience. Usually these feelings arise as a result of our eyes off Christ and set our views to our circumstances, or refuse to give him free access to some areas of our lives." Nineteenth-century hymn writer, Edward Mote, knowing that God is our hope as well as the mountains of stone. He indicated his belief that when he wrote "The Solid Rock". Let us first read his poems.
My hope is built on the foundation of no less than Jesus blood and righteousness;
I do not dare trust the most manispun frame, But wholly lean on the name of Jesus.
On Christ, the rock, I stand;
More land was mud all over the sand;
More land was mud all over the sand.

David the psalmist knows that God is the anchor, the source of my expectations. He writes, "Out of my soul pants for safety than you, I hope to thy word" - Psalm 119:81. 
Someone once said, "Faith means to trust God when all human reason of the hope has vanished."
Peter said, "and always be ready to give an answer pertanggungngan to every person who asks you a reason concerning the hope that is in you" - 1 Peter 3:15.

Our hope lies in our belief that Jesus died for us. And when we accept His salvation, He declares us righteous. We can have hope because we know that God is always with us and work in our lives, turning us into the likeness of his Son. The apostle Paul assures us of that when he wrote, "He who began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus" - Philippians 1:6. 
When writing about the topic "Choose Hope", Morton Kelsey said that he would never forget what happened to him when he suffered a severe crisis. "I am very worried. Suddenly I realized that having hope it is just as easy to get scared. When I change my fear into hope, almost immediately a new life surging within me, accompanying me through this crisis with peace and strength larger, if not with joy. the terburukpun finally came to pass, but I was able to survive to get through safely." 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Strenght Hope

Our lives are now filled with a very complex problem. As a result, the pressure of living even higher. Many people become disappointed and discouraged. They lost a handle on life. The basic loss angle for the stand. They lose hope. In the hope that it is very important. Why say that hope is so important?
  1. Hope enables us to survive. We recognize that life is so difficult. The burden of life that we experience very heavy. But, when we have hope, then we are able to bear the brunt. Why? Because we know the load it is only temporary. Would have passed, so we did not despair and give up. As followers of Christ we are spiritually empowered by God to bear the brunt of it remains strong and we know that hope in the Lord will not disappoint us.
  2. Hope enables us to capture something.  In addition we hope to be able to survive, hope, also makes us able to win and achieve something in our lives. It means we will get what we expect. Although we expect it not been seen or not there are signs that we will seize it, but we believe that God will give him just in time.
  3. Hope enables us to see far behind every problem. Hope to work beyond our physical eyesight. Our physical eyes can only see trouble, suffering, challenges and obstacles. But hope makes us able to see far beyond the difficulties, pain, challenges and obstacles in our lives. That with a vision of hope, we see there is something fun and happy we are behind every problem that we experience. That's the impact strength in hope.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Faith that overcomes the world

Faith can not be underestimated, because faith is the faith, reliance and willingness to truly believe that the God we worship has boundless power and infinite love of it. Means that faith is the key to bring the miracles and blessings of God are powerful in our lives. Thus, our faith can overcome any challenge and defeat all the bids, persuasion and temptation-world dogaan misleading. Criteria for the faith that overcomes the world are:
  1. Faith is realizing that God is in charge of our lives. Abraham did not know the circumstances, conditions, and the ins and outs of the land promised by God. But Abraham remained faithful to God. This is due to Abraham realized that God must be responsible for the lives and the whole family. If so, God would also be responsible for all of our lives, so we must continue to believe and obey God.
  2. Faith who recognize God's faithfulness. We are not loyal. Humans are not devoted a lot. But God remained faithful and He will never leave us. God is with us. He is Immanuel, God - are with us from now until forever.
  3. Faith is not doubt. The Scripture says: "Do not be anxious about anything, what you will eat, drink, and wear" because God kept the bird in the air and lilies decorate the Lord. Moreover, we are precious in God's eyes. Therefore, we must keep faith and believe and trust in God above all things.  

Monday, July 9, 2012

Three Areas of Life that Needs to be Changed

Almost every second change is always happening. These changes are difficult to predict. Because we can not change the prediction, then we must be prepared to deal with it. Our readiness to deal with changes determines our attitude in dealing with change. How to deal with it? There are three things we need to do, namely:
  1. Change the way we think. The first battle to cope with change is in our minds. We process all the changes in our minds. After we process it, then we will respond to such changes. Our responses vary according to what is in our minds. First, we were able to respond positively. Second, our response can also be negative. Third, our response can be optimistic. Fourth, our response can be pessimistic. In addition, we can also react with disappointment, anger, despair and so on. However, we can also address this by living the high motivation and keep fighting. Therefore, we need to prepare our minds properly. The Apostle Paul gives us guidance for how to prepare our minds properly. The Apostle Paul writes: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is pleasant in the hearing, any virtue and any praise, think on these things "- Philippians 4:8. These things help us to respond to changes with confidence, strong confidence and courage to live, so that we can cope with change and win it.
  2.  Change our habits. Our habits of old, unproductive, that does not give any results for our lives, should we leave. The old ways that prevent us to change, must be removed from our lives. Furthermore, we must build a new attitude, new habits, creative and innovative ways. All these things will help us to get out of life. This way will make us uphill and successful career. If you managed to change the habits of the old and useless, I'm sure you will experience a happy, prosperous and fun.
  3. Change our spiritual lives. Somehow we need God in our lives. Perhaps you think that you can with your own strength to face and live. As a result you abstain from communion with God. You do not seriously follow God. You do not really build your spiritual life. But I want to say to you through this paper that you have to change your spiritual life. Draw near to God. Seek God and His righteousness, then you will find a way out of any trouble you. The Lord God will give you the wisdom to overcome the problems of your life. The requirement is that you should fix your relationship with God. You need to fellowship with God. Pray to Him, ask for guidance. Read His word because that is what will lead you on the right path. You are not late. It's time for you to act. God is always waiting for you to come to Him. He does not force you. God will forgive you somehow hurt him. He is a Father who loves you.

Love Strong as Death

"Plenty of water can not quench love, rivers can not carry her away" - Song of Solomon 8:7.
There is one that we can agree on love. That love will bring something better, get us to do more perfectly. Teaches us how much power it generates. Love makes the world's tired and it feels wonderful noise, at least we can enjoy with love. Love teaches us how to be honest and sacrifice, struggle and take, give and maintain. Known as a great ballad about love ballad in the form of poems about the passion of love. In the above passage, the authors want to express how powerful love. He uses the term "seal" (something stronger) used as a necklace, so close to the heart. Even said, "is stronger than death", meaning love can not be resisted, like death. However, the love that is built should not just blindly love, but tough love is willing to provide the best for their partner. Love like this should be the basis of the husband-wife relationship. Love is so strong, that can not be shaken by anything. Love like this will keep the husband-wife relationship and like any challenges faced in the future will be faced together. Furthermore, the challenge is even making their love and grow stronger.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Errors Cause Fear

"I banish you from this land now, and I shall be hidden from your presence ... so anyone who would meet me, surely would have killed me" - Genesis 4:14.
There is wisdom Java expression that says, "Sopo one would seleh" which means, who is guilty, he would fall or fail on its own. "How did he get around to cover up his mistake," natural law "would lead them to the justice of God is not visible the eyes, but invisible to the eyes of the heart. Cain apparently realized that his actions did not escape from the scrutiny and judgment of God. Cain was afraid to be outside the purview of God. However, he is also afraid of being in God's court. Beyond the control of God, he feared killed by anyone who met him because he was afraid that they used of God to become "a tool in judging" her. Cain's story shows that the guilty will fall first because he is mentally tough against the demands of his conscience. Behind the words can also be understood that Cain Cain asked for mercy and protection of God so that he dared to live life without fear and haunted by guilt. Thankfully God still want to preserve their lives by giving a mark on his forehead protection. Any wrongdoing will evoke fear. Anyone who wants to be free from fear in the court of God, do not hide mistakes. Who does not admit guilt, he is a liar, who will deceive himself. The more errors that are covered, the higher the level of fear.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tips for Success

Successful person must have a performance that benefits both for themselves, their families, as well as for others. To achieve this, it should be a brilliant way through a variety of positive things. What are some tips for success in our lives?
A. Trust and rely on God
In the book of Proverbs 3:5: "Believe in the Lord with all thine heart, and do not rely on your own understanding." That is, when we want to pursue or achieve success in life, do not we just rely on intelligence, knowledge, skill, greatness and our ability.
But above all the talents and abilities, we must recognize, trust and rely on God in all our lives. God is the source of everything for us, including the sources and determinants of the success of our lives. Even as we work hard, but if God does not bless and bless, is certainly the potential for success to be difficult to achieve. If it can, it is temporary. So, to succeed in life, the first thing to do is trust, rely and involve God in all our struggles.
B. Get used to always think positive
Positive thinking is to have optimism. People who are optimists always see the bright side of things seems dark. Have you ever seen the sun hiding behind the dark cloud? Pessimists see the dark clouds, while the optimist see a thin silver line around the dark cloud.
Positive thinking should be socialized. Why? Because our hearts are tainted by sin, so that way we think and view the model is dominated by the sinful and negative thinking. For example, I could not, my bad, I'm not smart, I do not have a talent like him so I could not possibly work, I was destined to fail, and so forth. Therefore, we must conquer our negative thinking with our hearts filled with positive things. For example, I certainly can, I'll work, although now I have not succeeded but I did not stop sampaia here, I will fight again, work smarter again in a more creative, more honest, more innovative and more. I was just a matter of time to succeed.
C. Follow the biggest dream you have in your heart
In ancient Greece (the 3rd century BC), there lived a man named Demosthenes in Athens. People who are small stature, shy and stuttering is like to be an orator. Of course people laughed at him, but he was serious. He is not afraid to hear the general opinion that says that people like him can never be an orator.
He then began to discipline themselves and practice extra hard to achieve his goals and prove that public opinion is not always true. To amplify his voice, he practiced on the beach. He was rivaling screaming roar of the waves. To practice breathing, he ran up the hill, talking itself. To prepare his speech, he went to a lonely cave. After his speech is composed, memorize it and then say the word by word with clear pronunciation. After several years of seclusion to develop self Demosthenes, he returned to civilian life. By the time he would begin his first speech, the people laughed at him. They still remember who Demosthenes: a little boy, shy and stuttering. However, after the first sentence glides smoothly, then the second sentence, and then the third, fourth, and so on, people began stunned. Either way he menyampakan and content of his speech was so good, so very riveting his audience. Finally, people believe that Demosthenes was a great speech. Until now his speeches, especially that entitled "On the Throne", is still studied by those who are studying to be an orator (Compton's Encyclopedia, Chicago: F.ECompton Company, 1980, volume 7, page 78). We often have to "cover" the ears and eyes on the opinions and evaluations of people. If we think that we could do / be something because we have the potential for that, though a bit (which may not be seen by most people), we must dare to struggle to make it happen, like the orator Demosthenes.

An Easy Way to Change Lives

Many people have a dream to change their lives for the better. However, it is only in dreams alone with no changes that actually occurred in their lives. And to change the key was a simple life. Although simple, this should be done with full commitment. That is, the joys and sorrows of each process is carried out must be endured. Moreover, if the degree of change we want so much, it usually travels the length and difficulty of success getting more and more. There should be a lot of sacrifices that need to be given. To change your life and be successful, we often have to get out of our comfort zone. Act quickly without a lot of reasons. May initially feel uncomfortable, but should become a habit. A motivational speaker once said: "The greatest enemy of life's great is comfortable living." That is, we have to get out the convenient moment to feel comfortable then ever.  
There are several ways you can do to change lives for the better, among others:
A. Have a clear purpose
People who succeed in life starts with a clear purpose in life. All efforts given the goal-oriented. It is very important, because a clear goal will lead us to a clear direction to achieve. The purpose of life is obviously helpful to make us more responsible and require us to fight harder and get out of our comfort zone.
In making a goal to be done gradually. Starting from the easiest samapai the most difficult. Many people think that having a big dream it is an impossible thing. But they forget that it's actually a great dream begins from the small steps are carried out consistently and commitment.
B. Have a strong motivation
Many people have goals in life, but can not make it happen. Why? Because of their motivation to make it happen is very small or not strong. And to make this life change is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Strong motivation is the fuel that will always burn our spirit and motivation to keep fighting and survive. This is what distinguishes our purpose if that purpose is we need or just went along with it.

C. Know how to do it
Clear objectives already exist. Strong motivation has existed in our hearts. However, if we do not know how to make it happen, then it will waste our time and energy. Therefore, we need to do is figure out how best to do in an effort to change our lives. With and the way we know how to make it happen, then sooner or later we will experience life change for the better or the way we want.

Sincerity Life

"I want to consider life without blemish: When will you come to me? I want to live in the sincerity of my heart in my house" - Psalm 101:2.
One time a show reality-show watching a policeman who was on duty on the road. The interesting thing is when the police are advising a motorist who deliberately go against the flow of traffic. Although he ultimately had little to argue advise motorists to obey the police, without a ticket! On the sincerity of this, this cop also got "money surprise" for two million dollars. Of course, he was very grateful for the gift that may never have suspected him, because he only did his responsibilities with sincerity. Not easy to meet people who genuinely today. Instead, find the cunning, hypocritical and selfish, so much easier. Sometimes we see the government apparatus loosen a few rules that exist for the sake of a few pieces of money that goes into his pocket, a servant of God to serve in order to pursue an offering of love, and many other actions are born of insincerity. The Lord Jesus taught that as God's people we must have a sincere heart like a dove. Doing something with sincerity rather than a simple matter, because we probably will be the only person in the family, at work, in society, perhaps even in the group with a small percentage in the church that actually apply any of the characters in the life of Christ daily. However, rest assured that God does not close his eyes and he will reward the people who are sincere heart. Let's take a moment to ask ourselves, "Have I been a sincere person? Bear in mind that sincerity is a rare one, it means that people who do it would be valuable as a human being and God's people.

Life Filled With Frienship

"Jonathan made ​​a covenant with David, because he loved him as himself" - 1 Samuel 18:3.
At the animal shelter's Michelle Feldstein, there are more than two hundred different kinds of animals that are unwanted owners. Among animals, there is a blind horse. Even the blind, the horse can move, find food, and find a place to drink and the cage. How do I? Some goats and sheep always follow the blind horse and guides it so it does not get lost. A friendship that through the boundaries of difference. One of the best friendship in the Bible story is the relationship of David and Jonathan. They are young people who see the truth is far more important than family relationships. Jonathan chose loyalty and trust to David to Saul his friend than his own father. He knows that David is right and wrong Saul. It also continued friendship with loyalty to the descendants of Jonathan David. "A thousand friends and companions is still too little: one enemy is too much". Thus the sound of a proverb. Build and has many friends is one key to human life to be happy and meaningful. Being a friend to a lot of effort. Being a good friend to many sacrifices. One can see the quality of people's loyalty to his friends. Fill life with friendship, then we would be happy people.