Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Living Because Knowing God

"There is none like unto thee, O Lord!" - Jeremiah 10:6

 There is a story of a three-year-old boy with his grandmother. When the child was three years old in the car accompanied by her grandmother. While his grandfather was to the toilet at a petrol station. This grandson of a sudden move automatic transmission. As a result the car is moving slowly slid and hit the pavement opposite. A new man-made things were not always favorable. Without wisdom it brings even danger. Worse if it's just part of it and without the awareness that what is out there is so much better. However, it is experienced by the people of Israel. Nations around the worship of idols. Despite the uncircumcision of your flesh, liver Israel is no different with them. Israel failed to reflect the presence of God is intact, and indeed in their lives. Jeremiah delivered God's condemnation. Idolatry is foolish because the gods were not comparable with the Lord God. His greatness far above the heavens and the earth. There is nothing in this world that is comparable to God.Indeed, the man given the ability to think to create something that will enable people to do the job. However, let's all work, we use the Source of life for glorify it. Do not let pride in our work would lead us away from God, the Source of our lives.
Eternal life not because of the greatness of creation, but because knowing the Creator's creation.