Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Faith that overcomes the world

Faith can not be underestimated, because faith is the faith, reliance and willingness to truly believe that the God we worship has boundless power and infinite love of it. Means that faith is the key to bring the miracles and blessings of God are powerful in our lives. Thus, our faith can overcome any challenge and defeat all the bids, persuasion and temptation-world dogaan misleading. Criteria for the faith that overcomes the world are:
  1. Faith is realizing that God is in charge of our lives. Abraham did not know the circumstances, conditions, and the ins and outs of the land promised by God. But Abraham remained faithful to God. This is due to Abraham realized that God must be responsible for the lives and the whole family. If so, God would also be responsible for all of our lives, so we must continue to believe and obey God.
  2. Faith who recognize God's faithfulness. We are not loyal. Humans are not devoted a lot. But God remained faithful and He will never leave us. God is with us. He is Immanuel, God - are with us from now until forever.
  3. Faith is not doubt. The Scripture says: "Do not be anxious about anything, what you will eat, drink, and wear" because God kept the bird in the air and lilies decorate the Lord. Moreover, we are precious in God's eyes. Therefore, we must keep faith and believe and trust in God above all things.