Friday, July 13, 2012

Hope for Your Heart

We would be very easy to lose hope when we are too much attention to the news in newspapers and on television. On the other hand, we can easily lose hope when we live and hang out with people who are experiencing distress in their hearts. More than that, we can also lose hope when we are experiencing difficult circumstances in life. In such circumstances, we should focus only to God, who gives us a certain hope. Because without hope in God, we can not possibly survive.
Dr. Charles Stanley says, "Feelings of hopelessness is one of the worst feelings we can experience. Usually these feelings arise as a result of our eyes off Christ and set our views to our circumstances, or refuse to give him free access to some areas of our lives." Nineteenth-century hymn writer, Edward Mote, knowing that God is our hope as well as the mountains of stone. He indicated his belief that when he wrote "The Solid Rock". Let us first read his poems.
My hope is built on the foundation of no less than Jesus blood and righteousness;
I do not dare trust the most manispun frame, But wholly lean on the name of Jesus.
On Christ, the rock, I stand;
More land was mud all over the sand;
More land was mud all over the sand.

David the psalmist knows that God is the anchor, the source of my expectations. He writes, "Out of my soul pants for safety than you, I hope to thy word" - Psalm 119:81. 
Someone once said, "Faith means to trust God when all human reason of the hope has vanished."
Peter said, "and always be ready to give an answer pertanggungngan to every person who asks you a reason concerning the hope that is in you" - 1 Peter 3:15.

Our hope lies in our belief that Jesus died for us. And when we accept His salvation, He declares us righteous. We can have hope because we know that God is always with us and work in our lives, turning us into the likeness of his Son. The apostle Paul assures us of that when he wrote, "He who began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus" - Philippians 1:6. 
When writing about the topic "Choose Hope", Morton Kelsey said that he would never forget what happened to him when he suffered a severe crisis. "I am very worried. Suddenly I realized that having hope it is just as easy to get scared. When I change my fear into hope, almost immediately a new life surging within me, accompanying me through this crisis with peace and strength larger, if not with joy. the terburukpun finally came to pass, but I was able to survive to get through safely."